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Frequently Asked Questions

Need help? We've got you covered. 

How do I import a list?

You can import a list from Google Maps or copy & paste one straight into Appetite. Head to My Places and tap the + in the top right corner of the screen to begin!

Where do I find my drop ticket?

Your drop ticket is stored in My Plans.

I'm searching for a restaurant but can't seem to find it?

Please make sure you search for the full name of the restaurant, as it appears on Google.

How do I cancel a booking?

To cancel a booking, use the link in your confirmation email or follow the booking provider's cancellation instructions.

Where do I find my drop ticket?

If your current location is more than 20 miles away from the drop location, the drop won't appear and you'll be unable to redeem it.

Can I create a shared list?

Yes, you can invite friends to collaborate on a list with you. Simply tap the three dots when viewing a list and then press 'invite collaborators'.

Still stuck?

Get in touch with our Support team at

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